>  Lets consider the KDE developers. KDE 3.1 was suppose to come out in
> early November. But the developers kept finding serious bugs and
> eventually, security bugs. They realized that KDE 3.1 has lots of cool
> features but they would be overshadowed by the problems if they rushed it
> out on time. Likewise, I hope Mandrake realizes that the serious bugs still
> unresolved may very well overshadow all of its great new features if it
> releases everything in the current state. I mean, MCC keeps having serious
> issues, the mouse doesn't even detect right, its easy to mess up
> scannerdrake and make it unusable, there are no easy ways to get to
> removable media in KDE anymore for an unexplained reason, Galaxy-kde makes
> KDE look weird and breaks
> Konqueror... the list goes on.

Very good points. I've agreed with the original poster of this thread that
9.1 should wait.. but you just explained my feelings exactly.


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