> You will want to ask that question just a bit more detailed. If you compare 
> how Facebook provides email notifications and how NING uses mail 
> notifications, you will find a really wide variance in usability. 


> I live in my email system, doing most of my work by email. Drupal Forums, 
> Facebook and NING all fail for me in the notification of updated threads. 
> They drag me away from where my attention is focused and are divergent forces 
> on my attention.

Agree completely on Drupal Forums/Facebook/NING; none of those work for me.  

The best forum I've ever used has been vBulletin which offered email 
notifications the first time someone replies to a thread but no more until you 
revisit the forum, and it's pages loaded so quickly it wasn't a bother like 
having to go to Facebook.  That would work for me, as would something that 
works like Google Groups.

> So the question I would interpret that you are wanting to ask is:
> Can I see an updated zoho thread in my email and know what happened with it, 
> without going to the forum?

It would be great if the user had the option.  For example, some heavy threads 
I'd really prefer not to be bothered with whereas other's I'd like to see. So 
the way vBulletin works is great for me, but for you don't like to have all of 
it echoed.  Options are good here.

> (otherwise, what is the value of getting an email that says: "The thread was 
> updated, follow this link"? ) 

Believe me, that's a serious pet peeve of mine as well.  That may be one reason 
I hate Facebook so much.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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