Hayden's Harness Attachment wrote:
It has been a little busier than normal. However, the CSS and HTML are all 
valid and nothing has changed.

URL: http://www.choroideremia.org/new/crf_header.php

Angus MacKinnon

"Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into
the light." - Helen Keller

I don't have Vista. I rather doubt there is any difference in the rendering of your h1 in Vista, XP, or win/2000.

On a 96 dpi PC/ XP your h1 renders identically as far as I can tell (I don't see too good either) at default in IE/6, IE/7, FF/3.0.3, and FF/3.0.5.

Angus, you are a mystery :-) .
You carry my quotation in your e-mail, yet you attempt to reset my machine to set the fonts 14% less than I prefer. Why you do that?
html, body {
font: 86%/1.6 verdana,arial,sans-serif;

Faithfully yours,


A thin red line and a salmon-color ampersand forthcoming.


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