-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 17 Jan 1999, Agent Smiley wrote:
>In every mainstream airing I have seen of the famous second shot, a zoom is
>shown and NOT the broader view.  Only once have I seen this film outside the
>mainstream media and here the whole view was visible.  Incidentally, from what
>I have heard, the 3 or 4 individuals actually standing near enough to see this
>are no longer alive.

No, there were a couple of people across the street who had a direct line
of site, a father with his son, and a woman and her girlfriend...all are
still alive and were interviewed in a recent JFK assassination

The father, quite understandably, thru his son to the ground on first
hearing the shots, and placed himself over his son's body to protect the
kid...so other than the initial shot, he didn't SEE much of anything
else...but he DID testify to a bullet or bullets hitting the curb by him,
which throws the whole Warren Commission scenario out the window...

The woman with her friend happened to have a movie camera, and so a
SECOND film of the assassination exists (or did, at one time), and
showing it from the opposite point of view than Zapruder's...but good
citizen that she was, she called the FBI immediately and allowed them to
take her camera with the film still inside...a few days later, they
returned her camera, sans film...and that, as they say, was that...

But even tho that film has taken a powder, she and her friend were still
watching, and didn't mention seeing the driver shoot Kennedy...

>secret service agents were calm throughout.  When Jackie is seen to be making
>a break for it, a secret service agent is seen sternly direcing her to get
>back in it.

Jackie was NOT 'making a break for it'...according to her own account,
she climbed out onto the back of the limo to retrieve a sizeable portion
of her husband's brain, and stated that the thought of getting out of the
limo never entered her mind...

The secret service agent from the rear car jumped onto the trunk of the
limo just as Jackie was gathering up Jack's brains and bits of skull,
ostensibly in an attempt to protect the occupants (one would presume
Jackie in particular)...nothing ostensibly ominous about it...

>Was the limo really deemed the safest place for her, given the
>fact that the shots were all being directed at it?

Why not?  What was she supposed to do, jump out onto the street and
become a STANDING target?

>Go ahead folks.  Bring it on.  Start with character assination and name
>calling and attempts at discrediting.

No need for all that.

While I admit that there's a big question as to why the limo driver seems
to have been inordinately slow in deciding to get their collective asses
out of there, THAT is as far as I will go in granting the driver may have
been part of the conspiracy...I feel there were enough professional
assassins in the crowd, they didn't need the driver to blatantly shoot
JFK in the open like that...

Besides, if the driver DID shoot, why didn't Jackie or either of the
Connallys notice it?

>I challenge all to tell me why I shouldn't report this here.

'Report' away...it DOES fall under the auspices of 'conspiracy
research'...just be prepared to take your lumps, when others challenge
your conclusions...


      The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
      Of wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear.
        -- Wm. Cullen Bryant:  The Death of the Flowers
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