-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 17 Jan 1999, Agent Smiley wrote:
>>  Jackie was NOT 'making a break for it'...according to her own account,
>>  she climbed out onto the back of the limo to retrieve a sizeable portion
>>  of her husband's brain,
>Even in the commonly seen version she can be seen ON THE TRUNK OF THE LIMO.

That's what I said...that according to her own account, she climbed out
onto the back -- e.g. the TRUNK -- of the limo to retrieve a sizeable
portion of Jack's brains and skull, which she continued to hold in her
lap when she got back into the seat, and which she carried into Parkland
and handed to the first doctor she saw, saying something like "Here, this
may help"...

This is her own account, which understandably is probably colored by the
trauma and emotion she underwent at the time...but she very pointedly
wanted it known that she was NOT trying to get out of the limo when she
climbed onto the trunk...

>>  The secret service agent from the rear car jumped onto the trunk of the
>>  limo just as Jackie was gathering up Jack's brains and bits of skull,
>>  ostensibly in an attempt to protect the occupants (one would presume
>>  Jackie in particular)...nothing ostensibly ominous about it...
>I am referring to an incident when Jackie was on THE BACK OF THE LIMO and the

Yes, she was grabbing a portion of Jack's skull/brains which had been
blown onto the trunk...

>secret service agent I saw very visibly pointed to the seat at which point
>Jackie is seen to make her way back to her seat.

Yep.  According to JACKIE's own testimony, the SS agent came from the
rear car, jumped onto the trunk and directed her back into her seat...
nothing ominous about it, according to her he was just doing his job,
wanting to make sure that:

        a.  she didn't fall off the trunk and hurt herself....

        b.  she was making herself an easier target by being out on the

>all.  Incidentally, is Jackie going to go by any other than the official
>account when it is the highest police body in the country that she can see is
>part of this?  Just who is she going to go to?

Aristotle Onassis...   ;-)

>I imagine words like, "If you
>do as we tell you, your kids get to be ambassadors, senators..."

Perhaps.  But I'll still give slightly more credence to the eyewitnesses
who were directly involved than in any conjectures by 'true believers'
who have turned their pet assassination theory into a religion...

>Who was it that testified in the trial that Connally said, as the shots were
>being fired, "My God!  They're going to kill us ALL!"

Connally's wife...after he was shot FROM THE BACK...look at the film and
photos...any shot from the driver would have had to go whizzing right by
her nose...


      The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
      Of wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear.
        -- Wm. Cullen Bryant:  The Death of the Flowers
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