-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 12/11/98) -- Most  valued  CNNS  (Conspiracy  Nation  News
Service) source "Rhea Fortean" (pseudonym) has tilted the scales.
This  news  service  had  planned  to  hold back on the following
announcement, until a communique from "Rhea Fortean" persuaded us
that we are not being premature.


Today, Bill Clinton  gave  his  final  good-bye  to America in an
abrupt Rose Garden speech where he reiterated his  apologies  for
misdeeds, both the implied specific and the unmentioned general.

In the normal context, his speech made no sense, coming as it did
synchronous  to  the  House  committee  having approved the first
article of impeachment.  What  an  odd  time to apologize (in the
normal context)!

But suppose Bill Clinton is about to disappear, in one manner  or
another.   This  news service cannot say whether a FAKED DEATH of
Bill Clinton is  on  the  horizon.   We  hesitate  to mention the
possibility, since by mentioning it we ourselves  step  into  the
realm  of  FATE and FUTURE:  By stepping into the near future, do
we somehow alter it???  And if  by  so doing we prevent the FAKED
DEATH of Bill Clinton, is our action noble or ignominius?

"NOT TO ALTER THE FUTURE"  was  the warning given by Lor-el.  Yet
that warning, in one fictional account, was finally ignored.

Bob  Schiffer, on the CBS Network News broadcast of 12/11/98, was
all choked up -- really all  choked  up and not faking it -- when
he reported on Bill Clinton's abrupt FINAL GOOD-BYE speech  today
in the Rose Garden.

CBS  News  deemed  that  FINAL GOOD-BYE speech to be so important
that they time-slotted it, in  its  entirety, into the brief time
span of its nightly news broadcast.

A key CNNS source, DOUBLE CODE-NAMED "Slim Bacall," had privately
speculated that a FAKED DEATH of Bill Clinton was on the horizon,
probably in Israel.  This had been pondered upon.  Now, with  the
eerie  FINAL  GOOD-BYE  speech in the Rose Garden today; with the
Bob Schiffer  emotions;  with  the  CBS  News  precious time-slot
allocation; and finally, tilting  the  scales,  "Rhea  Fortean's"
observations   (below),  CNNS  must  defy  Lor-el's  warning  and
possibly alter the future, although we do so wondering whether we
are acting wisely.

In closing, we include portions of "Rhea Fortean's" observations:

  I get  a  strong  feeling  that  more  Dems  will  vote for
  impeachment  than  people  believe.   Jay  Servin  of MSNBC
  thinks so too.

  The threats and  arm-twisting  is  angering  the Dems.  The
  continued denials are making them angry.

  This last minute speech of BC with another apology may also
  make them  more  mad.   LIke  the  DNA  on  the  dress,  no
  admissions are done unless he is made to do so.

  Also  the  trip to Israel --when they don't want him---that
  will  cause  security  problems  in  Israel  and  may cause
  citizen's to be killed is another "in your face"  act  that
  some say will make Dems (and Mod Reps) mad.

  Heads up.
  I  "feel"  that a movement for resignation is in the works.
  There  were calls for resignation in the Opening Remarks by
  both sides.  Or references that because he  didn't  resign,
  we are here today.

  The  strong  remarks  of  what  would  happen  if  we had a
  trial.......and then thrown in  are  remarks that if BC had
  any honor he would resign if the impeachment passes.

  I have heard/read remarks when Dems say don't be  too  sure
  it would fail in the Senate.

  Also  remarks  by  the  Dems  give  a  clue.   All say that
  impeachment  will  happen.   They  say   of   course,   the
  impeachment by the Reps but they always say the impeachment
  as a done deal.  It can't be a done deal w/out some Dems.

  Heads up.
  On Fox last night they talked that after  Reno  turns  down
  the  Ind  Counsel  on Ickes, she will resign.  They said it
  was  the talk of DC.  Could it have anything to do with the
  investigation  of  her  by  the  Jud  Comte  and  her   mob

  As i said, things are going on in the Jud  Comte  with  the
  Dems  learning  things  that  they  are having BAD problems
  with.  They have  promised  to  tow  the  line  to make the
  process look partisan but some are learning very disturbing
  things about BC.

  I  just  wonder  with  all the hints being given out if the
  impeachment vote  won't  be  large  instead  of  close  and
  therefore, some Dems will ask for his resignation.

  An  odd  remark  was made last night on the Fox news.  Said
  that   WH   people   were  saying  that  BC  is  "still  in
  denial"--pathetically so about what is about to  happen  to

  What does That sound like to you?

  I believe Schipper's remarks about their "being more" was a
  warning to BC and the Dems.

  I think that Critical Mass fits in here.  Behind the scenes
  things are happening to  impeach  but not expose the entire
  problem with BC.

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

INFORMATION PLEASE:  Conspiracy Nation  News  Service (CNNS) is a
co-operative effort.  Without the hints/rumors provided  by  many
excellent  sources,  we could not exist.  Have YOU heard anything
lately  that  might  be  important?   Pass  it  along  to  us  at
  Anonymity is guaranteed.  If you  prefer, send your news tip or
clues  on  same  to:   Brian  Redman,  310  S.  Prairie   (#202),
Champaign,  IL  61820.   Or you can go to a pay phone and call in
your news tip: 217-356-4418.
  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
But we, the People, working together, can find out what is REALLY

Brian Redman       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief    | ---------------Phone: 217-356-4418----------------
Conspiracy Nation  |       "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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