-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 12 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Now that's an interesting observation. The media have been defending and
>covering for the current president since before his first election. For years
>prior to that they have consistently espoused a left-wing agenda.

I wouldn't say that...they consistently defended and 'covered for' Reagan
and Bush, too...

It's more a matter of not wanting to be 'locked out of the loop' by the
current administration, no matter WHO is in power nor the party they are
affiliated with...and so we no longer get JOURNALISM asking hard-hitting
questions, but REPORTING which utilizes blown-dried heads talking fluff
pieces (like Katie Couric at the White House this past week, on the very
day the President's council was to go before the House Judiciary
Committee, talking with Bill and Hill about the WH Christmas tree, how
'lovely' Hillary's dress was, a dress which apparantly got Hill a Vogue
cover shot...asking the Prez what the holiday season meant to him, how
was the First Family going to spend Christmas, etc. etc. -- hardly 'hard
hitting journalism', and hardly an example of what Marilyn claims is the
media's vendetta against the Clinton's)...

>Yes, it is surprising that the polls say this - if they are legitimate.
>Actually the most frightening element would be the possibility that these
>polls might indeed be true, which would prove that our society has finally
>devolved literally into "the ignorant masses."

It hasn't 'devolved' into ignorant masses...it always has been.  It's the
rare citizen who has actually read the Constitution and Bill of Rights,
let alone UNDERSTANDS them...and you will find more Americans find
politics 'boring' than not...hence, someone who doesn't read a newspaper
(most Americans don't), perhaps gets their news via radio during the
morning commute, and would rather watch a repeat of Seinfeld than CSPAN,
are NOT going to have a clear idea of what exactly the term 'impeachment
means'...a confusion which the Democrats are exploiting...

You will find that most of the polls are either conducted by the media --
which we have shown is strongly in the Clinton camp -- or by pollsters
hired by the Democrats themselves....

Hardly objective...

Especially since we don't see the ACTUAL questions the pollsters ask when
they call a person...it's been reported that in some cases, a preliminary
question along the lines of 'Who did you vote for in the last election?'
or 'Are you a Democrat, Republican, or unaffiliated?', or a blatant 'Do
you support President Clinton?' is asked...and any answer which implies
the answerer is not already a firm supporter, or at least leaning in that
direction, garners a polite 'thank you for your time', and is hung up on,
without the question regarding impeachment being asked.

I haven't seen any poll where it was first determined that the person
being polled even understood what impeachment really is.

And I'd like to see the RAW DATA garnered by such polls, instead of the
'spin' put on those numbers...as anyone who's taken a basic statistics
course, it's easy to 'massage' data to imply whatever conclusion one

As Mark Twain once opined:  "There are lies...there are damned lies...
and then there are statistics!"

>I would not argue that
>"neither the Congressional majority nor the media care a fig what the
>electorate wants," but in fairness, and in the interest of accuracy, I would
>have to add that neither does the congressional minority.

I would hope that both the Congressional majority, AND the Congressional
minority, would operate from their own conscious, and NOT based on public
opinion polls.


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