-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 12 Dec 1998, Sno0wl wrote:
>Just one more case of the media--which seems to be in the pocket of
>the Republicans and the radical right and whoever the puppetmasters
>are--calling the shots before the play is done.

What media are YOU watching....?

All the mainstream shows I watch (CNN, The Today Show, et al), they all
unanimously kowtow to the Klintons...treating them like royalty, never
subjecting them to hard questions.  And this past week, the talking heads
on these shows have looked 'shell shocked', totally surprised that the
impeachment articles were passed...

Just a few minutes ago, on Fox News, one of the talking heads opined that
'the media' will present impeachment in the worst possible light, and
that the media 'will not allow impeachment of the president'...

Hardly sounds like they're in the pocket of the Republicans...

>Nothing new. They haven't stopped all year and they're not about to
>stop now. The only thing that makes this "surprising" is the
>polls--which still say this is NOT what the American public wants.

First off, even if these polls are accurate, they matter not a whit.

The government is one of LAWS, and hopefully of our representatives going
with their conscious, and not one of public opinion polls.

Secondly, I am extremely skeptical of these polls...first off, most of
the public equates the word 'impeachment' with automatic removal from
office, so if you ask them just a blunt "Should the president be
impeached?", they assume the questioner is asking "Should the president
be immediately removed from office?", and answer no.

I think the resulting answers would be very different if the question was
worded "Should the charges against the president be assessed by the House
of Representatives, and if judged to have some basis, then passed on to
the Senate to conduct an investigation, and if such an investigation
uncovered serious wrong-doing, have the Senate remove the President
from office by a two-thirds affirmative vote in the Senate?"...

The debate on the Judiciary Committee yesterday touched on this...the
Republicans finally brought the fact that most people have an erroneous
idea of what 'impeachment' means by repeatedly stating 'the House
accuses, the Senate tries (and possibly convicts)'....and the Democrats
reaction to that betrays their desire to keep the exact definition of
'impeachment' cloudy in the minds of the public, so they can 'justify'
their claim that the public doesn't want it...

Listening to the callers into CSPAN, those who support Clinton amply
displayed their ignorance of just what impeachment is...in fact, they
almost all betrayed the fact that they don't even know what the 4
articles of impeachment actually state...

>And that is the most frightening element of this whole thing.  That
>neither the Congressional majority nor the media cares a fig what the
>electorate wants.

The majority of Germans supported Hitler, too...

The majority of Americans at one time supported the enslavement of the
Negro race...

The majority of Americans at one time supported the right of only white
males having the right to vote...

The majority of Americans at one time supported denying the right of a
woman to a safe and legal abortion...

Just because a majority supports an idea or a person, does NOT mean such
support is morally, or legally, correct...

>Someone here made an excellent post some time back about the
>humiliation of Democratic presidents in our time. They have not
>merely been accused of "wrongdoing," but have been dragged before the
>American public in shame.

Lord knows I'm no knee-jerk Republican supporter, but the only Democratic
presidents 'in our time' have been (going in reverse order):

        1.  Clinton -- who came into office with a lot of 'baggage',
            and an obvious defect of character where he admittedly
            allows his hormones to control his actions...

            Not to mention all the other really serious stuff...
            all the mysterious deaths surrounding him, Whitewater,
            Vince Foster, Chinagate, etc....

            Hardly a saint without blemish, one can NOT blame anyone
            but Clinton himself for his own undoing...

        2.  Carter -- shot himself in his own foot with the Panama
            Canal, the neutron bomb debate, and the economy...

            While the release of the Iran hostages was obviously
            'gummed up' by the Reagan camp, one cannot forget the
            fact that it was Carter's policies which LEAD to the
            Embassy takeover in the first place...

           Again, someone who has to take a significant amount of
           blame for his own downfall...which, in fact, he does,
           based on an interview with him I heard a few months ago.

So, that about covers the two Democratic presidents whom could reasonably
fit the bill of those you feel have been the victim of some sort of
rightwing vendetta...

But that only takes us back to 1976 -- hardly comprehensive of 'of our
time', so let's go further back...

        3.  Lyndon Baines Johnson -- won a landslide victory in 1964,
            and enjoyed much popularity until late 1967/early 1968,
            when Vietnam caught up with him...

            But before then, he managed to pass sweeping Civil Rights
            and 'The New Society' laws, hardly someone who didn't
            enjoy significant power and popularity within his sphere
            of influence (which was significant)...

        4.  John Fitzgerald Kennedy -- unless you're implying his
            assassination was orchestrated by the Republican party,
            he hardly fits your description....

        5.  Truman -- hardly someone who was 'dragged in shame'
            before the American public

        6.  FDR -- again, winning 4 terms to president, leading the
            country thru WWII, and dying in office, hardly someone
            who qualifies as being 'dragged in shame' before the

How far back do you want to go?

One could make an argument regarding Republican presidents being 'dragged
in shame before the American public' this century (Taft, Harding, Nixon),
than Democrats (Clinton and Carter)...

But to a man, regardless of their political affiliations, none of them
had anyone to blame except themselves...the things they were (and are)
accused with have NOT been manufactured out of whole cloth.

>I wouldn't be surprised if Clinton met with some unfortunate accident
>on his current trip....It will be interesting to see if he gets back
>in one piece.

IF...a big 'IF'...he meets with anything 'untoward' on this trip, I
suspect it will NOT be something of a terminal nature, just enough to
damage him enough to generate sympathy....

An 'accident' occuring during Hanukkah, just before Christmas...I mean,
how could anyone NOT be charitable and 'forgive' him, and obviously the
House in 'good conscious' could NOT vote to impeach while the president
is 'so gravely ill'...

If such a scenario DOES have any merit, look for this accident/incident
to happen before this coming Thursday...


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