-Caveat Lector-

At 08:36 PM 12/12/98 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Now that's an interesting observation. The media have been defending and
>covering for the current president since before his first election. For years
>prior to that they have consistently espoused a left-wing agenda. ......Are
>you suggesting that all of this is some sort of reverse pyschology?

That would explain the big stink raised by the so-called "liberal media"
when Brill's Content printed their "Pressgate" story.  You'd think Steven
Brill was an enemy of the Rupublic for daring to question the media's cozy
relationship w/ Ken Starr.  Wake up kids, the mainstream media is about as
liberal as Ronald Reagan.

>Yes, it is surprising that the polls say this - if they are legitimate.

If you don't believe the polls, try crawling out of your troll cave
sometime and asking your fellow citizens how they feel about the subject.
Being social isn't that difficult, in fact I consider it to be and
important part of citizenship.  I've had trouble finding anyone, even a
registered Republican, that is for impeachment (A caveat - I'm from Oregon;
Republicans are a little different here).

>Actually the most frightening element would be the possibility that these
>polls might indeed be true, which would prove that our society has finally
>devolved literally into "the ignorant masses."  I would not argue that
>"neither the Congressional majority nor the media care a fig what the
>electorate wants," but in fairness, and in the interest of accuracy, I would
>have to add that neither does the congressional minority.

I had an interesting conversation w/ some coworkers at the company
Christmas party tonite.  First there was a discussion about how Clinton's
sexual peccadillos were nothing compared to Bush's involvement in the both
the S&L & Iran/Contra scandals.  Then we discussed Bush's ties w/ C I A
drug running.  A coworker and his wife from Texas acted like the Bush/C I
A/drug connection was common knowledge.  I can hardly characterize them as
being a part of "the ignorant masses".

>If you mean Jimmy Carter, yes he's been laughed
>at quite a bit, but not by the media. His problem was simply incompetence; he
>simply wasn't up to the job. But that is not a part of his historical legacy.
>His legacy is merely that he was a very nice man. And this brings us to Mr.

The irony is that Carter is probably the last honorable man that will serve
as president (honorable relative to other presidents, that is, I know about
Jimmy's dirty laundry).  It's hard to find anyone that thinks he was a good
president (myself included), yet he is to this day a decent human being.
You'll never find George Bush swinging a hammer to build a house for a poor

>It is you and the pundits who are helping to form your opinions who are
>the mistake. This is not a coup. It is the legitimate activity of the
>constitutional system of government in reaction to a crisis. A bit late and a
>bit light perhaps, but the system is working, and at least so far, we should
>all be thankful for that.

No, it's the devolution into political gridlock via unlawful abuse of the
independent council statutes and other laws.  It's the dissolution of the
carefully placed balances of power in our Constitution.  It's the end of
democracy as we know it.  From now on, if Congress doesn't like what the
Executive or Judicial branches are doing, then they can just tie them up w/
an "independent council".  The distraction will easily drown out any
meaningful public discourse about things that really matter to you or me.

>> And all of you who think that you hate/dislike/disapprove of Clinton are
>going to > like what comes next....but you will deserve it.
>This I would agree with. None of us is going to like what comes next. And we
>will all deserve it. Those of us who vehemently disapprove of the level of
>corruption exemplified by your Mr. Clinton will deserve it because of our
>apathy, lack of protest. Those like yourself who condone and support the
>actions of men like Bill Clinton will deserve it because of your
>to see truth through your own smokey aura of petty and selfish emotion. It is
>a sad thing for all of us.

I do not for a minute think Clinton is an innocent choirboy.  But I'd
prefer that he be given the benefit of the protections afforded by our
Constitution and the laws of the land.  Otherwise, it might be me they're
coming for next time w/ their illegal wiretaps, their illegal press leaks,
their illegal detention without legal representation, and their overzealous
interpretation of the Constitution.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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