-Caveat Lector-

William Hugh said,
>>But I don't think you, Eagle, would really enjoy living in a HUD
subsidized project, would you?  Nor would you enjoy trading places with
a welfare recipient?  Of course not.<<

For your information,  Mr. Hugh,  I just emerged from this system of
bureaucracy...  and did it without their help.  I am not young.  My children
late life children and are teenagers, now,  one just graduating high school.
So,  I speak from seven years of experience,  not just working with these
but being one of the unfortunate recipients,  as recently as this past

No one except some caring wonderful people from my church and some help
from a local Catholic Samaritan House,  gave a damn enough
to help me get out of this rut trap set by the government to keep people
However,  I found out that with a little perserverance,  and guts,  one CAN
leave this
travesty behind,  brush themselves off and go on without the government's

And NO,  the children do not suffer.  All the programs available center
around the child,
not the adult.  The adult who has no children will get virtually nothing,
unless they are
seniors or totally disabled by law.  I have a disability,  but evidentally
68%+ is not
enough to warrant some of the programs available.  It has to be all or
nothing.  I was
tired of seeing my children do without small luxuries that other people were
their children.  I saw that taking my parent's advice to get on these
programs,  to help
me through a difficult time in my life,  was a dire mistake.  Because,  once
you sign the
papers,  you become a statistic at the mercy of the system.  And if you
don't bail out
and TRY to make it without these programs,  they will keep you down,  and
develop a co-dependant attitude,  scared to death that you cannot make it
their help.  OR,  they will throw you out,  with nothing.

I bailed,  and I wish to God I'd done it five years ago...  but I was afraid
my children
would have nothing.  Now I realize my children have had nothing because I
was on
the system.  Believe me,  if I can bail and make it,  anyone can!

So,  from experience,  I disagree.
Thanks for your comments though.
I did enjoy reading yours and several others'.


-----Original Message-----
From: William Hugh Tunstall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, June 04, 1999 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Say "NO" To Socialized Health Care Today!

> -Caveat Lector-
>Your points are well taken, E.  There's always a certain percentage of the
>population that is unable to work for a variety of physical/psychological
>reasons...disabilities, mental health problems, etc.   Also, you must take
>into consideration that all of us are subject to "the thousand natural
>shocks which flesh is heir to..."
>The biological clock works against human beings....  When you're in your
>twenties, you can spend hours upon hours doing heavy physical labor, and
>your physical body is resilient and strong enough to take the stress....
>(Of course, years later, your body will show the effects of those carefree
>earlier years.)  But after a certain point in time, you no longer can
>perform as well as an eighteen year old.  Corporations know this....notice
>how the preferred worker in industrial America is usually very
>young...with few health problems...  In order to take advantage of all of
>those strong resilient younger bodies, the corporations often place their
>factories out in the middle of the corn belt in order to take advantage of
>that cheap and healthy labor supply.  Of course, after they've used you,
>they let you go.
>Am I against this kind of dynamic?  Well, there's not much we can do about
>it...  But I would only point out that framing the issue in terms of "free
>ride" tends to reduce things down to a very narrow, simplistic and,
>ultimately, distorted level.  The issue is a bit more complicated.
>First off, the government subsidizes businesses, bails out foreign despots
>around the world, while it simultaneously also does a splendid job of
>ensuring that those
>who have will get more....  This more spectacular "free ride" at
>taxpayer's expense tends to be ignored.
>Instead, the argument about government "handouts" tends to be centered
>around the very visible millions of have-nots in our society.  The less
>conspicuous "welfare queens" who live in Grosse Pointe, Westchester,
>Bel-Air and the hills above Palo Alto are not targeted.
>When the Mexican peso bailout (handout) was arranged in order to save the
>bad investments of American investors, both political parties signed onto
>it with hardly a squeek of protest.
>OK. So you're righteously against all of these giveaways and we find
>common ground on this point.  Great.
>I would only suggest to you that in my experience, I have never found
>anyone who is actually proud of having to receive financial assistance
>from the government.  Of course, I've seen many lazy and
>dishonest workers...individuals who do not have a strong work ethic and
>ARE interested in abusing the system.  Sure.  I don't deny that...nor will
>I deny the fact that there is a "culture of poverty."  But we also have
>middle-class cheaters and bums.... so what else is new.
>But I don't think you, Eagle, would really enjoy living in a HUD
>subsidized project, would you?  Nor would you enjoy trading places with
>a welfare recipient?  Of course not.
>The majority of welfare recipients are children.  They major crime is that
>they're poor.  They had the misfortune of being born to the wrong
>parents.  So, if you want to kick the hell out of the parents by
>eliminating food stamps, go ahead.  The only ones who will suffer will be
>the children....  and until we as a nation begin to solve the structural
>problems of the economy....you can probably expect them to grow up to be
>the future muggers, killers and welfare cheats that we complain about
>So, what's the answer?  Well, it's definitely NOT more deregulation, MORE
>handouts for big business, and a "free ride" for the privileged classes in
>America.  MORE "free trade" and MORE "open borders" will only continue to
>destroy us.
>We need to change the political agenda and place American issues first on
>the list.
>On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, Eagle 1 wrote:
>>  -Caveat Lector-
>> You know, I really can see nothing wrong with providing health care for
>> children between the ages of -9 months, and 0 to 18 years of age.  But
>> that,
>> unless the parent(S) are totally disabled,  or have a legitimate
>> malfunction...
>> Strong and able-bodied parents,  can work,  and earn,  and pay for their
>> health care,  just like the rest of the working class do .  .  .
>> Giving a free ride is exactly what some want,  for the rest of their
>> life.
>> I have had the experience of knowing a woman who was a fourth generation
>> welfare
>> recipient.  Her child became a fifth generation welfare recipient...  now
>> her
>> child is a sixth generation recipient.  They don't want to go to work,
>> have no
>> intentions of getting a further education to go to work,  because they
>> happy,
>> living on the river in a HUD subsidized house,  where they pay no rent,
>> swing on
>> the porch swing,  sipping sweet tea,  watching the working class come and
>> everyday.
>> How much do you think this six generations of welfare,  food stamps,
>> health care and miscellaneous expenses,  came out of YOUR tax
>> and social security pocket???  Money you could have used in an emergency
>> situation at one time or another.  Money that is being used by the
>> government
>> for whatever reasons....  gaining interest for them,  but not for you.
>> When you don't have social security to help you through the lean years of
>> your
>> senior life,  (should you ever need that boost... )
>> just remember and think about where it went.
>> I still say "no" to national,  socialized health care.  It simply won't
>> work,  because
>> there is a bigger generation formed and out there who doesn't want to
>> to earn it.
>> eagle1

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