You say that I am wrong and you use scripture as your proof.  This means that your faith outweighs your knowledge and common sense.
Do you know anything about who, why or when the Gospels were written?  Do you know anything about the origins and development of the Christian religion?
Believing in scripture is only a sign of ignorance.
When one studies the history and reads the available ancient texts, one finds that the Gospels were written over a long time and long after the death of the mythical Jesus.  They were written to specific communities for specific reasons.
Quoting specific passages is useless unless you know something about their origin.
If you believe in the bible as a God Given book then you and I cannot discuss anything about this.
I hold the Christian religion in contempt as I know it for what it was and is now.

I'm sorry but you are wrong. I can only go on the only
authority which is the Scripture. The scripture is
perfectly clear on what a christian is, down to the
exact details. It has nothing at all to do with
"pride", it has to do with knowledge. The bible says
"KNOW you have eternal life" (1john 5:13). Doesnt make
me prideful. It makes me (and anyone else who simply
believes) assured forever. See also Isaiah 32:17.

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