>Everyone reading this notice carefully there was no
direct challenge or answer to the response. Only one
line of it apparently was read.

First. CTRL hasn't been a "discussion list" in the conventional sense for years now.  It has long since gotten too big for anything more than news posts and the occasional diatribe (a good many of them mine :-)).  Truncated discussions do take place, but not very often.

 Now the word "typical"
can be added to C.'s list of reasons to call names
like a school yard child(instead of answering the

Which is more childish; C jumping on you for using a word that you know gets on his nerves, or you for complaining about it?  You do not have to read or answer his posts, you know.

so if there are any Christians out there reading
this, dont say "typical" and don't write anything more
complicated than yes or no questions.

I am a Christian, generally of the catholic (notice the little c) variety,  and whiners piss me off :-)

 You wont really
get an answer, just a bunch of TYPICAL name calling.

About that childish question. . . :-)

oops i said typical again. This is TYPICAL when
dealing with a catholic of any flavour,

Be specific; Roman Catholic or just plain catholic (that means members of the Christian faith who consider themselves a part of the universal body of Christ for those who didn't study)?

 And C. the
only way I will not earnestly contend for the faith
ONCE given, is when you send your loving, righteous,
humble, temperate and charitable, "holy" Inquisition
to flay or burn or rip or rape or pillage to shut me

That's the job of Islam now.  You're behind the curve on this one :-)

Edward   ><+>

UFOs exist.   It's the Air Force that's only in science fiction."~GB+

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