papists or prods, you are all the same to me. i.e, delusional, disfunctional
individuals who need a higher moral authority to decide what life is about
and how to live it.

In matters of faith (or pretty much anything else for that matter), I have ONE Authority to which I am responsible--and the Pope ain't it.  I do not pray to icons, and I do not seek the intercession of human beings.  I pray--when I pray--to God and/or His son (as I understand Each).

fine, you need a crutch because death is so fucking scarey, but when you
take a higher moral ground based on faith and condemn other delusionists for
their different faith, then i think you are a problem.

OR the delusion makes them a problem; one way or the other.

it is all about being better than someone else, isn't it? you are a purer,
better christian because you have a better understanding of what the bible
means than other "so-called" christians. i bet this doesn't just stop at
catholics, does it janesaved? i bet you look down your nose at other
protestant denominations too.

Speaking as a *Protestant* Episcopalian, I resemble that remark :-)

Edward   ><+>

UFOs exist.   It's the Air Force that's only in science fiction."~GB+

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