----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] to anyone Re: Pompous Papal Pederasty

Speaking as a *Protestant* Episcopalian, I resemble that remark :-)

that's what i was brought up as- but in an area where the wee free church is popular, which accounts for my resentment of holier-than-thou posturing rather than having faith itself. the good thing about the episcopalian church was that it sort of sat between the protestants and the catholics (such as they were in that town). the protestants thought the episcs were too liberal and southern and flowery and the catholics liked them for exact same reason (with reservations about the liberalism of course). in a modern secular world that makes for a good spirit interdenominationally- but this middle ground, a gentler more embracing church becomes somewhat insipid it seems, same as in politics. the dilution of  intolerance blunts the edge of the relationship between the church and god and the individual. both the hardcore prods and roman catholics (and whatever religion) have a closer relationship with their faith simply because there is no doubt, or doubt is a battle against the devil- to be won and the faith reaffirmed. it is better for the soul to fear god, the comfort of the strict but loving pater. you know where you are with these levels of faith. but when you take a pragmatic view of your faith and abstract it a little too much, well things get a little weak and you end up with a social scene as part of a community, rather than a community structured by the faith and it's relgion.

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