From:   "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>What weapon do you think would have been effective in this case?
>A firearm?
>A baseball bat?
>CS or pepper spray?
>A cattle prod?
>A plastic shield such as the police use?
>A clothes prop?
>A rottweiler?

>Our right to self defence has not descended anywhere. I
> all have a right to self defence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>It just so happens that firearms are not available for self defence. If a
>firearm had been used in this case, then, provided it was legally held for
>say, clay shooting, then no jury in a million years would convict someone
>using it. Don't delude yourself.
>The law only restricts self defence as being a good reason for possession.

Since you ask I would like the opportunity to carry either a CS spray or
stun gun and could detail at least two occasions within the last three
months when I would have been justified in using them if it were a legal
option. There is however no legally acceptable reason for owning either of
these so the explanation you offer in your last paragraph would not apply.
We appear to be left in the situation where you can claim to have used
either a firearm or knife that had been held for entirely legal reasons, but
would quite likely prove fatal, whilst being unable to claim any reason to
own something that would just bring any assailant up short and allow you to

I don't see the objection to CS spray as we have it from the mouths of
police spokespeople that these are used purely for defence.
With regard to all the previous discussion on the list of the if's, but's
and maybe's of aquiring a pistol legally for self defence is there any legal
avenue for applying for ownership of either of these options because I can't
think of one.

Brian T
Bear in mind that CS spray and stun guns are classified as firearms
under Section 5(1)(b) of the Firearms Act 1968!  How the courts
ever came up with that is beyond me.


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