On Wed, 1 Mar 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Any government needs appropriate leadership, especially in its 
> infancy.. and those leaders need to be dedicated to that government
> deep in their bones.

What do you mean by leadership? An elite?

That is a historical falacy based in the belief that people are sheep
because they don't do what you want when you want. Just plain silly view.

Quit looking for angels among men. 

> Stalin was not a particularly suitable leader, nor am I convinced of
> his dedication to the true liberation of the common worker. 

Stalin was a good leader, just look at what he did. He was a terrible
leader because of how he did it.
> Give Gandhi a shot, and I suspect he would have done a good bit better. 

Yuck. I'm not following anyone who suggests an enima a day and that I
should spin my own clothes. I've read Ghandi, he's a typical lawyer and

Look elsewhere for inspiration if you can't find it in yourself.

> I don't think that the United States has done so well because
> representative democracy and capitalism are so great and clearly
> superior. I think we have done well because the Founder's, for all
> their faults, truly believed in the ideals of the government they
> were creating.. and so they got us off on a good start. 

First off capitalism isn't one of the facets in democracy. There is a
reason that business isn't mentioned except with respect to interstate
commerce in the Constitution. Money should not be a major factor in the
operation of a democratic society. How rich a person is shouldn't be a
factor as to how they are represented (and yes, I am aware this runs
counter to the crypto-anarchic and libertarian creedo that financial
success is equatable to darwinian fitness - bullshit).

There are actualy only a handful of issues that need to be addressed under
our present system to get it working well again. Those changes won't
happen easily because our culture is wearing the blinders of false


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