On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 7:25 PM, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
> Just to clarify, it's not *that* bad, for example we use it quite
> extensively here:
> https://github.com/hpfem/hermes/issues
> https://github.com/hpfem/femhub/issues
> so it's usable, but obviously, for someone coming from Google Code,
> it's a step back.

Talking today with Min about this, he made a very good point: it's not
that bad when working on a specific issue, but it's annoying when
doing 'high level' work for a project where you want to do things that
operate on the whole bug list: searching, milestone targeting,
reporting, etc.

And for some reason, issue search is simply broken.  Witness searching
the ipython issues for something liike 'gtk':


a bunch of issues are listed at the top that don't mention gtk
anywhere.  Those issues seem to appear no matter what you search for,
it's really weird.

In the github support site there's a lot of complaining about this,
but no fix yet...

I have to say that at the end of the day, we're *thrilled* to use
github.  The interface is fluid, the features are very well thought
out, the organization/team setup is excellent and the code review
machinery is just brilliant, and very, very useful in actual practice.
 Reviewing pull requests is basically as easy as can be, with
near-zero tool-induced overhead and almost everything you could want
for a great code review right at your fingertips.  Here's what a
complex, active review looks like, for example:


The impact of the excellent integration of all these features vastly
outweighs the annoyances of the issue tracker.  And since it's obvious
they have a really good team behind the site, and people have been
complaining about this for a while, I'm going to trust it's in their
private pipeline of fixes and we'll see some improvements at some

I just wanted to give you some useful, detailed points from real
experience so you can make the decision that best fits cython.  Don't
hesitate to bug for specifics if you need any.


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