> I'm not sure which "we" you are referring to here, but you made your
> point quite clearly and it was acknowledged. "Political restrictions"
> and other non-technical issues are perfectly valid objections to bring
> up, but belaboring the point, especially as someone who has never (as
> far as I can tell) participated in the development process and hence
> used the tools in question, doesn't help your case.


> To be clear, every potential solution involves giving up some freedom.
> Each site has terms of service agreements that are pages long, and
> even hosting it ourselves isn't completely unencumbered (software
> licenses agreements (yes, including the GPL), contracts with the ISP,
> possible legal restrictions, etc.) You hopefully already know
> this--you've chosen to use a gmail account to post this. Personally,
> my top (but certainly not only) criteria are
>    1. Lack of Lock-in
>    2. Productivity
> Everyone has different criteria and priorities, which is why I started
> this conversation instead of just moving everything over and making an
> announcement :).

Yes, I'm sorry if I was implying you weren't being open to discussion;
I'm very glad of the atmosphere y'all have created here,


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