Użytkownik Werner F. Bruhin napisał:
>> But it then finds dabo.ui.uiwx.dControlMixinBase.dControlMixinBase
>> >
> should have been:
> dabo.ui.dControlMixinBase.dControlMixinBase

Why? The dControlMixinBase class is already in the ui namespace,
so the correct reference is:

Take in mind, that in uiwx.__init__, there is no 'import package'
but 'from package import some_class'.
All the ui.some_class.__module__ refers to the uiwx.some_class
what is correct.
For the framework developer the dabo.ui.uiwx reference is correct
and desirable e.g. to distinguish between ui layers like wx, qt, etc.
But form the framework user point of view,
all public defnitions should refer to the same ui namespace.
I don't know how to deal each other.

Jacek Kałucki

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