Open a terminal (or cmd.exe in Windows) and simply type 'python' and press 
Enter. You will then be at an interactive prompt; you should be able to type 
'import dabo' from there. 

-- Ed

Sent from my iPhone, so please excuse any top-posting.

On Apr 21, 2011, at 12:09 PM, Mark Stanton <> wrote:

> I've struggled to find out how to open Python in my development 
> directory and import Dabo.  I've found that I can tell Python to run 
> a python file when it starts up by specifying a name with... Hmm, 
> this is getting to be a nuisance being split between Windoze & Linux, 
> I'm having to recall this stuff that I still haven't really got to 
> grips with from memory.  Just tell me if I'm talking rubbish.
> Anyhow, when Python starts in my dev directory it runs the Dabo init 
> script.  This is what happens
> (DaboEnv)[Mark@localhost DaboEnv]$ python
> Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Mar 15 2011, 20:31:17) 
> [GCC 4.5.1 20100924 (Red Hat 4.5.1-4)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more 
> information.
> Dabo requires SQLite 3 and the pysqlite2 module. You will have to 
> install these
> free products before running Dabo. You can get them from the 
> following locations:
> SQLite:
> pysqlite2:
> and then returns me to the bash prompt.
> I wondered if I'd got a very old version of Dabo, but I've the latest 
> "HEAD" version out of SVN, I think.
> I'm at the "complete beginner" stage with this so just tell me where 
> I'm being daft.  I can take it...
> Now, if it was VFP... :-)
> Mark
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