First of all I desire to point out it was not my intention to be rude or
blame nobody.
Nevertheless the reply " that's quite easy - because none of those who want
this feature become
active, fork the code and simply implement the stuff ... " is really
I cannot write C and cannot start learning C at 52 only to send a pull
request that will be ignored...

Since I am skilled with English I resumed the Italian translation of the
old user manual and took over me (and another nice Italian guy that is
hardly helping me) the Italian translation of the GUI.
dt 3 is translated in Italian thanks to my (and Matteo) hard and FREE job
despite the fact I suffered some health problems.
I am well aware of the efforts devs put in their FREE job every time and
have the maximum respect towards all of you!

I have been using dt since some years and WILL use dt, because I think it
is simply the best raw developer for Linux.
I accepted and will accept the fact you cannot implement such a feature.
Only I cannot agree with this decision.

I think it is important to listen for users' features requests.
If you do not listen to users you will lose some of them.
The same thing happens when you give users impolite replies.

Have a very pleasant evening :-)

Il giorno mer 17 feb 2021 alle ore 15:45 Michael Staats <> ha scritto:

> On 17/02/2021 13:14, Martin Straeten wrote:
> > "Really, I cannot understand why we cannot have a tab on which any USER
> > can list his/her preferred modules and can order them as per his/her
> > preferred workflow"
> >
> > thats quite easy - because none of those who want this feature become
> > active, fork the code and simply implement the stuff ...
> Hi
> This is certainly a valid remark, the developers have their priorities,
> and that's absolutely fine. It's open source, if you want something,
> implement it -- my words (sometimes ;-).
> On the other hand, creating a fork, in a proper manner, with the option
> to somehow merge later, and then implementing something rather small, is
> a lot of effort, for a small effect.
> For example, I'm pretty sure that, in theory, my programming skills are
> good enough to implement such a thing. But I would need to understand
> the "architecture" of the source code, know how to implement effectively
> and efficiently, following all the best practices the developers are
> following because of their experience, etc. etc.
> And for small changes, it's not worth the effort (for the change in
> question, I'm not even requesting it, although I understand the point).
> Or, as (allegedly) the great Gauss said, when asked why he's not working
> on Fermat's last theorem: "I'd need three years preparation for this
> matter, and I cannot spend so much time when the outcome is unclear"
> (citation from memory, and even if it's wrong, it's a nice anectode).
> So it's valid to kindly ask the developers if they might spend a day or
> three, when others might need weeks for the fork.
> But if they say "No", that's a valid answer and has to be accepted.
> Best regards,
>  Michael
> --
> Michael Staats
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