> Plans:
> 1.  Move DBI source code to http://sourceforge.net/projects/dbi/


On and Off I've thought about moving DBD::ODBC to a CVS repository and
searched for a tool that would take old tarballs of prior releases and build
the CVS repository from the tarballs.  Maybe I don't need to, but it would
be nice to have all the versions in a repository, each version/release
tagged with the release.  I just haven't gotten around to it.  Would you
want to put your history in CVS or just handle it as a "from here on"

Also, I thought there was a CVS repository specifically setup for perl
modules, but I can't seem to find my reference to it.  Wouldn't that be

Either way, I know I have been interested in setting up a repository for
DBD::ODBC, but just haven't found the time.  I suppose It's more useful for
DBI and the more-used modules (or for the modules with more regular
contributions), than for DBD::ODBC.



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