If setting the maxconnect=1 does fix the problem, its quite possibly a
side affect of the patch I made an believe I sent to the list a while
back, and recently sent to Jason upon request for apop authentication.

APOP has no password associated with it, and the dbmail-pop3d has a
state machine that if there is not a valid username and password, it
will always fail the connection.  This was causing anyone using apop to
have problems for us, so my fix (search the archives for the patch) was
to set the session->password on an apop connection = the apop hash

This works for me, but I always have maxconnect=1 since the previous bug
about disconnecting in the middle of a session sent your mail to the
next person who connected to that process bug...

On Tue, 2003-05-20 at 09:51, Jesse Norell wrote:
> Hello,
>   Right off, this looks quite suspect:
> > May 19 18:57:27 vault dbmail/pop3d[25871]: pop3(): APOP auth, username
> There are invalid characters in that md5 hash - the variable is
> probably getting walked on somewhere.  I'll see if I can find anything
> obvious from the code.  Is this a pretty busy server?  Can you look at
> the logs and try to determine if this only happenes when there are
> multiple users simultaneously authenticating?  Also, for testing, see
> if setting MAXCONNECTS to 1 in dbmail.conf makes the problem go away.
> --
> Jesse Norell
> jesse (at) kci.net
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