
Thanks for doing this: I'll have a play next week when I have a bit more 

I notice that you have set up the variants as sub-properties, rather 
than say owl:sameAs.  Does this imply that we have, in effect, one 
"preferred term" and N "non-preferred terms" for each property?  If so, 
is there merit in developing a set of "preferred names/URIs" for the 
most widely-used properties extracted from Wikipedia?  The existence of 
a preferred set of URIs for these properties would help others to 
harmonize their practice and improve interoperability.


In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kingsley Idehen 
>Richard Light wrote:
>> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kingsley Idehen 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>>> We can inference over rules for classes and subclasses.
>> Sounds good.
>>> I'll look at what you've sent when I have a moment. If you've sent 
>>>triples then we can create rules etc..  If all is done right we might 
>>>even make a nice tutorial out of this whole thing.
>> If I've got it slightly wrong, let me know and I'll sort it out.  The 
>>property mappings are an XML document, so it's trivial to re-express 
>>them differently if I've misunderstood the required format.
>> Is it a worthwhile project to consider the overall ontology 
>>represented by the extracted WP classes and properties, and to work 
>>out how to improve retrieval in dbpedia by (a) adding this sort of 
>>equivalence mapping and (b) recommending "best practice" for class and 
>>property values in WP templates, to improve the quality of what comes 
>>in in the first place?
>> Richard
>Here is the tutorial dump, and this has been applied to the live 
>instance, so please test. There is more to come re. this matter as we 
>are going to load the Yago Class Hierarchy once we iron out some 
>problems .
>-- Script Start  (Assuming you are loading this into a local Virtuoso 
>instance hosting DBpedia via the iSQL commandline interface or the 
>(X)HTML based Conductor (Virtuoso's Web Admin Interface)
>---- Load Triples into a Graph
>---- Typically you would already have the ontology in a Virtuoso Named Graph
>----  Yago Hierarchy would be loaded this way since it wasn't loaded 
>ttlp ('
>prefix rdfs: <> .
><> rdfs:subPropertyOf 
><> .
><> rdfs:subPropertyOf 
><> .
><> rdfs:subPropertyOf 
><> .
><> rdfs:subPropertyOf 
><> .
><> rdfs:subPropertyOf 
><> rdfs:subPropertyOf 
><> .
><> rdfs:subPropertyOf 
>."",'') ;
>-- Declare inference rule
>-- If the ontology is in a graph you would skip the step above an 
>simply associate the inference rule created in the statement below with 
>the ontology graph's URI
>rdfs_rule_set ('', 
>---- Test queries
>define input:inference ''
>prefix p: <>
>select ?s from <> where {?s p:birthPlace ?o }
>limit 50 ;
>define input:inference ''
>prefix p: <>
>select ?s from <> where {?s p:birthcity ?o }
>limit 50;
>define input:inference ''
>prefix p: <>
>select ?s from <> where {?s p:countryofbirth ?o }
>limit 50;
>define input:inference ''
>prefix p: <>
>select ?s from <> where {?s p:countyofbirth ?o }
>limit 50;
>--- Script End
>This exercise has lead to a documentation update (ETA early next week) 
>amongst other things e.g better and clear examples  :-)
>I am still scratching my head re. how we overlooked loading the Yago 
>Hierarchy during the last update :-(

Richard Light
XML/XSLT and Museum Information Consultancy

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