Richard Light wrote:
> Kingsley,
> Thanks for doing this: I'll have a play next week when I have a bit 
> more time.
> I notice that you have set up the variants as sub-properties, rather 
> than say owl:sameAs.  
> Does this imply that we have, in effect, one "preferred term" and N 
> "non-preferred terms" for each property?  
Yes. This is basically what we achieve via the inference rules.
> If so, is there merit in developing a set of "preferred names/URIs" 
> for the most widely-used properties extracted from Wikipedia?

I say so because the UMBEL will also address some of these matters via 
it's ontology aspect.  Likewise the upload of the Yago Classes used in 
the current DBpedia release.

That said, if you have the time, no harm approaching it your way, all we 
have to do is simply add more rules or add to the existing rules.

> The existence of a preferred set of URIs for these properties would 
> help others to harmonize their practice and improve interoperability.

> Richard
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kingsley Idehen 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>> Richard Light wrote:
>>> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kingsley Idehen 
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>>>> We can inference over rules for classes and subclasses.
>>> Sounds good.
>>>> I'll look at what you've sent when I have a moment. If you've sent 
>>>> triples then we can create rules etc..  If all is done right we 
>>>> might even make a nice tutorial out of this whole thing.
>>> If I've got it slightly wrong, let me know and I'll sort it out.  
>>> The property mappings are an XML document, so it's trivial to 
>>> re-express them differently if I've misunderstood the required format.
>>> Is it a worthwhile project to consider the overall ontology 
>>> represented by the extracted WP classes and properties, and to work 
>>> out how to improve retrieval in dbpedia by (a) adding this sort of 
>>> equivalence mapping and (b) recommending "best practice" for class 
>>> and property values in WP templates, to improve the quality of what 
>>> comes in in the first place?
>>> Richard
>> Richard,
>> Here is the tutorial dump, and this has been applied to the live 
>> instance, so please test. There is more to come re. this matter as we 
>> are going to load the Yago Class Hierarchy once we iron out some 
>> problems .
>> -- Script Start  (Assuming you are loading this into a local Virtuoso 
>> instance hosting DBpedia via the iSQL commandline interface or the 
>> (X)HTML based Conductor (Virtuoso's Web Admin Interface)
>> ---- Load Triples into a Graph
>> ---- Typically you would already have the ontology in a Virtuoso 
>> Named Graph
>> ----  Yago Hierarchy would be loaded this way since it wasn't loaded 
>> initially
>> ttlp ('
>> prefix rdfs: <> .
>> <> rdfs:subPropertyOf 
>> <> .
>> <> rdfs:subPropertyOf 
>> <> .
>> <> rdfs:subPropertyOf 
>> <> .
>> <> rdfs:subPropertyOf 
>> <> .
>> <> rdfs:subPropertyOf 
>> <>.
>> <> rdfs:subPropertyOf 
>> <> .
>> <> rdfs:subPropertyOf 
>> <> 
>> ."",'') ;
>> -- Declare inference rule
>> -- If the ontology is in a graph you would skip the step above an 
>> simply associate the inference rule created in the statement below 
>> with the ontology graph's URI
>> rdfs_rule_set ('', 
>> '');
>> ---- Test queries
>> sparql
>> define input:inference ''
>> prefix p: <>
>> select ?s from <> where {?s p:birthPlace ?o }
>> limit 50 ;
>> sparql
>> define input:inference ''
>> prefix p: <>
>> select ?s from <> where {?s p:birthcity ?o }
>> limit 50;
>> sparql
>> define input:inference ''
>> prefix p: <>
>> select ?s from <> where {?s p:countryofbirth ?o }
>> limit 50;
>> sparql
>> define input:inference ''
>> prefix p: <>
>> select ?s from <> where {?s p:countyofbirth ?o }
>> limit 50;
>> --- Script End
>> This exercise has lead to a documentation update (ETA early next 
>> week) amongst other things e.g better and clear examples  :-)
>> I am still scratching my head re. how we overlooked loading the Yago 
>> Hierarchy during the last update :-(



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