On Sun, August 30, 2015 8:49 pm, Martin Read wrote:
> Cherry still *are* (or at some point resumed) making mechanical
> keyswitches with a rated life in the tens of millions, and the Internet is
> full of mail-order vendors selling keyboards (from several different
> manufacturers) built with those Cherry keyswitches.

How much do those things cost?  Now that a keyboard can be had for $10 or
$15, is it better to pay $150 or even $250 for a quality keyboard, or
replace a $15 keyboard every year or even every six months?

And in our present Window$-dominated, rodent-oriented, game-addicted and
generally-lliterate society, is there anyone who types more than a few
dozen keystrokes a day for the purpose of intelligent conversation --
other than subscribers to a mail list such as this, and the authors of
pulp fiction?  (And no, I do not consider messages transmitted by
"texting" or "twitter" to be intelligent conversation.)


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