I've got a new server and am currently fighting with the Debian 10
installer (build 20190702) in my attempts to get it up and running.
After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I managed to get it to stop
complaining about being unble to mount /boot/efi and complete the
"Partition disks" step successfully, but now I'm completely stuck on the
"Install GRUB" step.

The GUI installer shows the error:

Unable to install GRUB in dummy
Executing 'grub-install dummy' failed.

Checking the syslog output on virtual console 4 shows a bunch of
os-prober activity (as expected), then finally:

Installing for x64_64-efi platform.
grub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of `/dev/nvme0n1p1`.
error: Running 'grub-install  --force "dummy"' failed.

I assume that the "canonical path" it's looking for is a /dev/sda-type
device name, but I have no idea how to assign one of those to an nvme
drive.  (And I thought that kind of name was supposed to have been
banished in favor of "predictable" names by now anyhow.)

Several of the old-style names are already in use; the installer is
showing sda for the USB stick that the installation was booted from and
sdb-sdi for eight large disks, but the operating system is to boot and
run from the drives /dev/nvme0n1 and /dev/nvme1n1.

What do I need to do to get this working?

Also, would that solution also work for md devices as well as for nvme
devices?  I had previously tried putting UEFI onto a RAID1 mirror
between the two nvme drives, but got a similar error from grub about not
being able to find the canonical path of /dev/md1.

Dave Sherohman

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