On Tue, Mar 02, 2021 at 09:26:21AM -0500, The Wanderer wrote:
> I didn't parse what he wrote that way. He said:
> >>>> You'll want to create the following partitions on each,
> >>>> identically:
> >>>> 
> >>>> 1 efi - type efi
> >>>> 2 boot (or boot/root) - type MDADM volume
> >>>> 3 root, if using separate boot - type MDADM volume
> >>>> 4 swap - type MDADM volume
> >>>> 
> >>>> Then you go to the mdadm setup and create MDADM RAID1 devices
> >>>> out of each pair of boot, root and swap.
> Note that he specified to RAID the three listed MDADM partitions, but
> did not mention the same for the EFI partition.

Ah, right.  When he mentioned RAIDing the boot, I took that to mean the
EFI partitions.  Forgot that he as using a separate /boot.

So I took a look at the grub-installer script, and guess what I found as
a comment just before the `ls` that kills it?

# XXX cjwatson 2019-03-25: This is all far too complicated and fragile, and
# should be replaced with in-target or similar.

# Ensure proc is mounted in all the $chroot calls;
# needed for RAID+LVM for example
initial_proc_contents="$(ls $ROOT/proc)"

"Far too complicated and fragile", indeed!

Dave Sherohman

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