On Tue, Mar 02, 2021 at 09:09:52AM -0500, The Wanderer wrote:
> On 2021-03-02 at 09:01, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 02, 2021 at 07:54:01AM -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> >> Then you go to the mdadm setup and create MDADM RAID1 devices
> >> out of each pair of boot, root and swap.
> > 
> > RAID Device #1 is 1.9 TB, ext4fs, and set to mount on /
> > RAID Device #2 is 2.0 GB, ESP, and bootable
> So the EFI partitions themselves are also RAIDed? I wouldn't have
> expected that to work.

That was my expectation as well, but Dan said it should work, so I went
with it.  Of course, I've also tried it with then not RAIDed and the
results are identical, aside from the "canonoical path" error message in
syslog changing from /dev/md2 to /dev/nvme0n1p1.

> Is grub-installer specific to the Debian installer environment? I don't
> find it at a glance in my installed system, or with 'apt-file search'; I
> do find grub-install, which is a binary (where the error you quote seems
> to indicate a script), and is what I seem to recall having used for the
> manual installation of GRUB that finally got my current machine working
> with a RAIDed boot-drive pair all those years ago. (Albeit not with EFI
> boot partitioning, so that may not be directly comparable.)

Yes, it seems to be unique to the installer environment.  I made that
same trip in reverse, first trying to run grub-install, and then having
to go looking when that didn't exist.

> If grub-installer is a script and is the correct thing to use, the first
> thing I'd be inclined to do in your place is to examine that script and
> see what it's trying to do at the point of the error, so that I can
> figure out what it expects as input and how I can potentially try to
> provide that.

Good thought.  It's a shell script, so I'll see if I can make sense of
what it's doing in [filesystem]/proc.

Dave Sherohman

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