On 2021-03-02 at 07:54, Dan Ritter wrote:

> You'll want to create the following partitions on each,
> identically:
> 1 efi - type efi
> 2 boot (or boot/root) - type MDADM volume
> 3 root, if using separate boot - type MDADM volume
> 4 swap - type MDADM volume
> Then you go to the mdadm setup and create MDADM RAID1 devices
> out of each pair of boot, root and swap.

Out of interest, how would you modify this for someone who intends to
run LVM on top of the RAID-1 being defined here, and wants to define as
many of the partitions as possible (but at least /) at the LVM level
rather than the mdadm level?

I'm guessing that the answer would be to define the EFI partition here
directly, then define one further partition as an appropriate type, set
up LVM inside that, and define the further partitions from there.

I'm not positive that that's the correct approach, however, especially
given that I suspect that /boot will need to be visible to GRUB and may
thus need to be outside the LVM.

This isn't purely academic interest; I'm not moving forward right now
because I can't currently afford all the components, but I'm planning a
new computer build as soon as that changes, and one part of the design
I've decided on is a pair of M.2 SSDs in RAID-1.

I remember having had enough trouble getting GRUB installed and booting
with a pair of SATA SSDs in RAID-1 when I built my current machine,
which doesn't use GPT or EFI boot, and I'd prefer to avoid having to
juggle that on the fly again - especially not given that the need to
cater to the partitioning requirements of EFI boot is likely to make
things more complicated.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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