The Wanderer wrote: 
> On 2021-03-02 at 07:54, Dan Ritter wrote:
> > You'll want to create the following partitions on each,
> > identically:
> > 
> > 1 efi - type efi
> > 2 boot (or boot/root) - type MDADM volume
> > 3 root, if using separate boot - type MDADM volume
> > 4 swap - type MDADM volume
> > 
> > Then you go to the mdadm setup and create MDADM RAID1 devices
> > out of each pair of boot, root and swap.
> Out of interest, how would you modify this for someone who intends to
> run LVM on top of the RAID-1 being defined here, and wants to define as
> many of the partitions as possible (but at least /) at the LVM level
> rather than the mdadm level?
> I'm guessing that the answer would be to define the EFI partition here
> directly, then define one further partition as an appropriate type, set
> up LVM inside that, and define the further partitions from there.
> I'm not positive that that's the correct approach, however, especially
> given that I suspect that /boot will need to be visible to GRUB and may
> thus need to be outside the LVM.

grub can find a root in LVM, but needs /boot to be outside.
/boot in an mdadm RAID1 is a good idea there.


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