Am Sun, Feb 19, 2023 at 05:21:47PM +0100 schrieb Geert Stappers:
Hello Geert,

> Having installed package openvswitch-switch and doing `ip route` I do get
> dev ovs-system scope link src metric 1004
> What can be done to prevent that "zeroconf"
> configures interface `ovs-system`?

Please have a look at
According to the section "Disabling avahi-daemon" the following
commands should work:

For permenant disablement (surviving a machine reboot):
systemctl mask avahi-daemon.service avahi-daemon.socket
systemctl disable avahi-daemon.service avahi-daemon.socket
systemctl stop avahi-daemon.service avahi-daemon.socket

On my system I have deinstalled the avahi stuff before testing the
commands. I have found the link for searching infos for the 
thread "ipv6 may be has arrived".

Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.

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