On 20/02/2023 21:44, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
Am Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 09:59:20AM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
Perhaps to get rid of 169.254.x.y addresses, it is enough to properly
configure network interface, either to ensure that DHCP server is available
or to assign a static address. After that you may forget about existence of

On my system it did not help. One "issue" might be, that systemd
starts services in some sequence. But it does not wait for a service
to complete. At least in case of stuff I have observed on my system.

Out of curiosity, is link-local IP address assigned during boot or later when e.g. WiFi connection is temporary lost? How long does it take to get response from DHCP server? Which way network is configured (ifupdown, NetworkManager, systemd-networkd) in your case?

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