On 22/02/2023 01:26, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
I have no idea if it is possible to estimate a DHCP response time.
Since static IP address is assigned, it does not matter. I expected DHCP configuration and that delay may be noticed in `journalctl -b 0` logs.
[Unit] Description=A remote mail retrieval and forwarding utility After=network-online.target opensmtpd.service unbound.service Requires=opensmtpd.service unbound.service But fetchmail starts before the dependencies have been finished.
I can not say that I fully understand interaction of After and Requires/Wants options. I would try additional Wants=network-online.target
[Match] Name=w* [Network] DHCP=no Address= Gateway= DNS=
There are options like RequiredForOnline, see systemd.network(5), but likely default value is yes. However avahi-autoipd should be started concurrently with network configuration to assign link-local address in the case of failure.