From "Monte Milanuk" <>
Date 28/05/2024 22:42:07
Subject Re: "Repeaters", etc.

On 5/28/24 11:03, wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul M Foster" <>

I've never see a 3 phase in a house.
Quite some years ago my father inquired about getting
3 phase power to his house to power a rather husky lathe.
The answers were distributed between "impossible"
and "prohibitively expensive".

Phase converters are usually the answer for that sort of thing. Whether old 
electro-mechanical (rotary), or newer static inverter designs, there are 
solutions out there that will get the job done a lot cheaper than convincing 
the utility to run a three-phase service drop to a residence.

Ironically, used three-phase equipment like lathes, milling machines, large 
band saws, planers, etc. are relatively 'cheap as chips' on the second-hand 

I have a friend in the US, who has a large milling machine that takes 3-phase. He wired he 1st phase direct to the outlet, then the 2nd phase through a motor which just sits there spinning with nothing connected to it. And I think from memory the 3rd phase isn't connected at all. This is apparently enough to run the machine. The motor, not motor generator, is just an AC motor, is enough to offset the phase that it fools the machine into working. I may not have all the details correct, if anyone is interested, shoot me a message offline and I'll chase him down and get the details of what he did.

I think we're way off topic now...

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