> For this, probably the easiest is to set up a common directory/a few common 
> directories, set up proper permissions through use of groups and worst case 
> create some symlinks from the user's home directories, if these directories 
> really need to be accessible from within their home directories. That's 
> pretty much how shared directories are always done. As this would be a one 
> time effort, it would be doable.

You're thinking of a traditional file server in a business. Our
solution is a cloud platform. We don't know ahead how our customers
are going to manage their files and shares. And we don't need to.
As i said to Eduardo, it doesn't really matter where folders/mounts
are. Users can share any directory (and subdirectories) in their home
directory with any other user. The shared folder is mounted in the
special directory "Shared with me" of the recipient home directory.
I.e: John/Sales/Invoices is mounted in Alice/Shared with me/Invoices.
The shares can be read/write or read-only.

> But at this point, you should really think about paying some company with 
> deep knowledge of Linux that can come up with a sustainable plan. Because 
> obviously, your way of doing things isn't anything that could (or on that 
> note should) be a long-term solution. And maybe think about rewriting the 
> ancient software that causes this setup in the first place.

We've come up with that solution in 2009 and it's been working until
now (and still is but eating away cpus). So i guess it makes it a
proven long-term solution ;) Is there a better way to do it now?
Maybe. But not as easy as setting up a few symlinks and some

Anyway, that's out of subject. My request is simpler than knowing how
our solution works. Mounting many thousands folders wasn't an issue
before and it is now (i haven't nailed on which Debian update it broke
yet). As i said in my request, i know that this usage is an heavy
usage of mounts but it worked perfectly for many years. I'm just
trying to understand the cause behind it.

> Desperately trying to cling to something that has been out of support for 
> decades is just not sustainable, not on any OS.

We're the maintainers of our software so it's not out of support :)
I'm here because we'd like to save a few trees reducing that cpu usage
down :D
Thanks again for your time!

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