On Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 18:35:34 +1000, Keith Bainbridge wrote:
> On 21/6/24 14:28, David Wright wrote:
> > You could pronounce your time written above as:
> > 
> >    "It's Thu 20Jun2024 at 20:51:19 here, where clocks are UTC+10:00"
> Excellent. Now how do we get our MUA to do that when replying to mail,

Depends on your MUA.  In mutt, it would be:

    set date_format="!It's %a %d%b%Y at %H:%M:%S here, where clocks are UTC%z"

except that this won't put a colon inside the timezone offset.  It
would just end with "UTC+1000".

Of course, you probably don't want that exact wording, because it's
used as *part* of the attribution.  If you used the above, then the
attribution would come out looking like:

    On It's Thu 20Jun2024 at 20:51:19 here, where clocks are UTC+1000, 
So-and-So wrote:

So, you'd either want to change the attribution variable as well, or
alter that wording slightly.  I'd suggest removing "It's" and "here".

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