On 6/29/24 7:48 PM, Greg Wooledge wrote:
Your Subject header includes the word "upstream". This word appears
*nowhere* else in the entire email, and it completely moves the goalposts.

Are you looking for notifications that a new Debian*package* has become
available, or are you looking for notifications that the*upstream*
developer has released a new version, which may or may not have a
corresponding set of Debian packages?

Good question but Will's interpretation is correct. This is the Debian *User* mailing list after all.

My bad. I was aware of the meaning of "upstream" in regards to package maintainership but wasn't thinking someone would fixate on that when I used that in the subject. Just throw that word away.

My next question: is this a package that's*installed* on your system?

No. Not even the same arch or release as the installed system. I'll even go further and tell you I want these notifications on a Windows system or an iPhone. And the Debian systems are air-gapped with no Internet access.

It seems crazy that in all the history of Debian, nobody said "There's a package I care about and I want to get immediately when a new version is released." And if they had, doing an "apt-get update" every minute of the day would not have been any part of the desired outcome.

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