After an update today, sendmail is refusing to accept mail.  I'm
seeing this in the logs:

STARTTLS=read, info: fds=9/4, err=2

Here's the full log from when I try to send a message through my
server with authentication:

Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: NOQUEUE: connect from []
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: AUTH: available mech=DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5, 
allowed mech=EXTERNAL
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: Milter (clamav): init 
success to negotiate
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: Milter (spamassassin): 
init success to negotiate
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: Milter (opendkim): init 
success to negotiate
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: Milter: connect to filters
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: milter=clamav, 
action=connect, continue
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: milter=spamassassin, 
action=connect, continue
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: milter=opendkim, 
action=connect, continue
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: --- 220 ESMTP Sendmail; Sun, 
30 Jun 2024 11:42:59 -0400; (No UCE/UBE) logging access from: 
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: <-- EHLO []
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: milter=spamassassin, 
action=helo, continue
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: --- Hello [], pleased to meet you
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: --- 
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: --- 250-PIPELINING
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: --- 250-EXPN
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: --- 250-VERB
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: --- 250-8BITMIME
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: --- 250-SIZE
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: --- 250-STARTTLS
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: --- 250-DELIVERBY
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: --- 250 HELP
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: <-- STARTTLS
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: engine=(null), path=(null), ispre=0, 
pre=0, initialized=0
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: tls_srv_features=(null), relay=[] 
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: tls_srv_features=empty, stat=0, 
relay=[] []
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: --- 220 2.0.0 Ready to 
start TLS
Jun 30 11:42:59 bottom sm-mta[18852]: STARTTLS=server, info: fds=9/4, err=2
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: STARTTLS=server, get_verify: 0 get_peer: 
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: STARTTLS=server, relay=[], 
version=TLSv1.2, verify=NOT, cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits=256/256
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: STARTTLS=server, cert-subject=, 
cert-issuer=, verifymsg=ok
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: AUTH: available mech=DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5 
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: STARTTLS=read, info: fds=9/4, err=2
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2h018852: <-- EHLO []
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2i018852: milter=spamassassin, 
action=helo, continue
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2i018852: --- Hello [], pleased to meet you
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2i018852: --- 
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2i018852: --- 250-PIPELINING
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2i018852: --- 250-EXPN
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2i018852: --- 250-VERB
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2i018852: --- 250-8BITMIME
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2i018852: --- 250-SIZE
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2i018852: --- 250-DELIVERBY
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: 45UFgx2i018852: --- 250 HELP
Jun 30 11:43:00 bottom sm-mta[18852]: STARTTLS=read, info: fds=9/4, err=2

My cert for is still valid.  Err=2 is generaly
some sort of file-not-found error, but what file or file descriptor
went bad?

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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