On Sun, 30 Jun 2024, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 23:08:01 +0100, Tim Woodall wrote:
According to this

bare CRs aren't allowed in emails but this has always worked.

I'm only likely to have cron generating emails like this.

Strange that this would have been changed in a stable release. It
doesn't seem to have been a security update.

It looks like it's coming from this change:


 * Fix CVE-2023-51765 (Closes: #1059386):
   sendmail allowed SMTP smuggling in certain configurations.
   Remote attackers can use a published exploitation
   technique to inject e-mail messages with a spoofed
   MAIL FROM address, allowing bypass of an SPF protection
   mechanism. This occurs because sendmail supports
   <LF>.<CR><LF> but some other popular e-mail servers
   do not. This is resolved with 'o' in srv_features.

I don't know the details of how this leads to a security hole.

It might be - but the wording suggested that this is blocking bare <LF>
which isn't my problem - and also I'd assume this is header related.

The thing I'm seeing is <CR> in the body of the email - I had no idea
this was illegal - and I'm surprised that tools like cron don't do
something to avoid sending "illegal" emails. Indeed, even mail will do
so happily.

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