On Mon, 1 Jul 2024, Mark Fletcher wrote:

On Sun, 30 Jun 2024 at 23:21, Tim Woodall <debianu...@woodall.me.uk> wrote:

The thing I'm seeing is <CR> in the body of the email - I had no idea
this was illegal - and I'm surprised that tools like cron don't do
something to avoid sending "illegal" emails. Indeed, even mail will do
so happily.

cron isn?t a mail sending tool ? not the right place to police something
like this. Seems to me that sendmail is.


Sendmail now polices it - so cron emails get stuck if they contain a
bare cr. Presumably every mta is now doing something similar.

There may be a cron setting that I'm missing to avoid this, I haven't
looked yet.

It is, of course, possible to run the output of every cron job through a
filter too.

my sendmail is now replacing bare cr with space so cron emails are

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