> Another way to look at things would be to check out the court cases
> Corporations have sued their employees for misuse of e-mail.

Do you know where there are any of these cases that I can review online?

If not, thanks anyway. I will try and free up some time to perform some
research and will share my findings if I come across anything. I hate
all this legal stuff and would rather devote the time to new
technologies, working projects, etc., but legalities an unnecessary evil
in my position. 

This "Joe the Lawyer" guy has got my blood boiling a little bit along
with the Battle Creek ORBZ action. I don't know who "Joe the Lawyer" is
and give him the benefit of doubt having our best intentions in mind
from a legal standpoint. Where is his reply supplying us legal
references to the legalities of filtering or blocking Junk Mail? He
apparently does not agree with filtering e-mail for Spam. Does he agree
that it is right for un-solicited Porn to be received by children or
anyone for that matter? If he does agree, then how is this different
from un-solicited e-mail for Time-Share travel, Life Insurance, and the
next get rich quick scam?

As a business owner, I am all about Free Enterprise.  But I do not
hi-jack other folks servers or conduct dictionary attacks to e-mail
servers that I do not own to solicit my goods/services. I think we all
agree if an e-mail address is published on a public site it is fair
game, otherwise leave me alone unless I ask.

I know this may perhaps be hedging OT, but what happened to ORBZ this
week could happen to any of using a Kill file, Processing Rules, or
Declude as "Joe the Lawyer" points out. Even if we feel he and Battle
Creek are wrong, we can be forced in fear to shut down just like ORBZ
did and defending lawsuits that are frivolous and without foundation.
Can Ian Gulliver at ORBZ afford to defend himself alone? Can any of us

I guess the whole thing just pisses me off. I know that "morally" it is
wrong for individuals and entities to send most of the unsolicited and
trickery Spam that is being blocked by reputable firms.  However,
"legally" I am not so sure until such time I can reference a federal or
international ruling/law. I feel I need something to back me up and in
our usage agreement and defend our customer policies.

Sorry to be so verbose, but it just ticks me off what I am seeing
happening and those who are responsible sending Spam and then actually
believing they should have the given right to do so.

Don S.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:Declude.JunkMail-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Tom
> Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 7:59 PM
> Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] ORBZ - More info
> > Ahh... my 2 cents anyway. I just feel no one has the right to send
> > crap I did not ask for, especially PORN solicitations into my
> > e-mail box. Perhaps I am wrong legally as it relates to free rights
> > e-mail solicitations, but the PORN solicitation alone is enough to
> > me fighting for my rights to block SPAM.
> Another way to look at things would be to check out the court cases
> Corporations have sued their employees for misuse of e-mail.
> In any case if it is your system you can do whatever you want with it.
> If the customers don't like it, too bad!  You own it, you paid for it,
> and you maintain it.  It's that simple!
> What does this mean?  If you write an e-mail to a friend your BOSS,
> or ISP (owner of the equipment) has the right to view it.  Just like
> FBI and CIA.  This is why we stress the use of PGP!
> Anyway, just my 2 cents!
> PS: Don't reply to me if you want to argue, I just wanted to give
>       another view point.
> Regards,
> Tom
> ---
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