> I  guess  the speeds are much the same as quering a local DNS server
> for  lookups.

SA  advocate  though I am, I can't say that's the case. The speed of a
UDP  DNS  lookup is far faster than a SPAMC32/SPAMD TCP connection for
even  a  tiny  message,  due  both  to UDP vs. TCP differences and the
amount  of  data  sent for SMTP/MIME mail (i.e. the entire message, if
it's <= SPAMC32's max message size). The _response_ stage from DNS and
SPAMD  servers  might  be  somewhat  comparable in size and speed, but
certainly not the request or processing stages.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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