On Tue, Jan 03, 2006 at 08:40:58PM -0700, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 January 2006 19:48, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> > This sounds like it would be a very, very big writing effort, perhaps
> > not to the scale of Wikipedia, but at least of the scope of the Linux
> > documentation project, and perhaps larger.  So...  what would keep these
> > writers motivated to do this (seemingly overwhelming amount of) writing?
> overwhelming and ultimately boring, not to mention not a great use of our 
> developer resources[1] if we had alternate sources of manpower to tap.
> a monetary investment and proper stewardship could do wonders here. it may 
> even be the difference between "that's a great concept" and "we've got an 
> implementation of that great concept".

Hmm, do we have a feasible source for the monetary investment for this?
I'm guessing that something on the order of several million would be

Barring that, is there any feasible bottom-up way of achieving it?  I've
been impressed with the documentation efforts around specific distros
such as gentoo.

> [1] i assume, given the limited number of technical writers with knowledge of 
> this domain currently in the community, that the bulk of the effort would 
> inevitably fall upon the shoulders of developers even as it tends to now.

I think you're probably right.

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