On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 12:00:11AM -0500, Mike Shaver wrote:
> ... it seems to me that nobody has  
> actually come out and said why we want a great doc portal.  If it's I  
> had to explain it to somebody, it'd probably be "to get more ISVs to  
> target Linux" or even "to get more ISV software on Linux", which is  
> why I'm saying the things you read above.

This describes my feelings too, although I recall it gained a pretty
quick concensus at the meeting, so assume that there *is* a need here,
it just needs to be defined.

But I also know it's a LOT of work to put one of these things together,
especially up front before there's much in there.  You'd need either a
dozen or so people working at it full time for a year or two, or an
order of magnitude more extremely passionate people working voluntarily
in order to get it up off the ground and to a sustainable level.  So I
think this really emphasizes that the need has to be clearly defined,
and be something that really, really excites one of two groups of

   a) Crazy, obsessive technical writers who will feel that by
      dedicating a fairly large chunk of their life to it, that it'll
      make the world a better place.

   b) Crazy, rich CEOs and CTOs who will feel that by dedicating a lot
      of their budget to it, that it'll make their companies more

There's probably a few other ways to do it, but these two are the best
proven models.  ;-)

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