On Tuesday 03 January 2006 20:56, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> Hmm, do we have a feasible source for the monetary investment for this?
> I'm guessing that something on the order of several million would be
> required?


<crazy thought process alert>

given that this is really a support service and support services are supposed 
to be one of the "bread 'n butter" models of open source driven 
business ......... i bet there's a business model in there somewhere ;) i 
don't know if attempting to privatize it is really what we want, though.

> Barring that, is there any feasible bottom-up way of achieving it?  I've
> been impressed with the documentation efforts around specific distros
> such as gentoo.

sys admin, configuration and user-level tasks are within the realm of 
experienced users and sys admins. developer documentation tends to be within 
the realm of developers and tech writers who specialize in the domain. there 
are an order of magnitude or three more in the "experienced users and sys 
admin" category than there are in the "developers and tech writers" category. 

if it's a numbers game, i imagine this is why gentoo community documentation 
and the LTDP works so well compared to what we have with developer docu.

but that's really just an educated guess, nothing more.

Aaron J. Seigo
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

Full time KDE developer sponsored by Trolltech (http://www.trolltech.com)

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