Martin Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 23.10.04:

> 23.10.04 at 20:25, Michael Heydekamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> Die Überarbeitung macht einen guten Eindruck, ist alles auf Lister
>>> korrigiert.

>> Wenn das so ist, ist genau das schon mal falsch.  Es muß nämlich
>> "Message Reader" heißen, "Lister" sagt einem Engländer (so sagt
>> Martin Foster) in diesem Zusammenhang nix.

> As my name has been mentioned several times recently, I thought this
> would be an appropriate moment to dive in.

Sure, you're as always welcome. :)

> I don't really know in what context my name is being used but from
> what I can make out from the above statement, I can definitively say
> that there is no such word as "Lister" in the English vocabularly.

That's just what I said.  But Joachim was saying that it would have been
"corrected" to "Lister" again (I didn't verify if he's really correct).   
And that's exactly what I want to avoid: Reversing earlier corrections
just because we put ourselves under time pressure and wanna be finished
at a specific date.

It was also meant just as an example for things we have to care about.
And which I, just because it was me who dealt with this stuff in the
past, might remember, but it is unlikely that anybody else will remember
it because there is nothing to "remember" for him.  We both had these
conversations in the past and nobody else.

It may even happen that the reversion of such "corrections" may be
overlooked by you or me when looking through a huge resource or help
file.  That's the danger I'm seeing.

> In the context of CrossPoint, the English translation of the word
> "Lister" is "Reader" and just so the user couldn't possibly be
> confused by exactly what is meant by "Reader", it should be further
> defined as "Message Reader".


I was just reminding the folks that before getting 3.21 out of the door
we still have to do the huge "compare run" we discussed in a thread
months ago.  This applies to the German and English resources and help
files in both directions (v3.21 <=> v3.40).  Sometimes the v3.21 version
is the better and more current one, sometimes the v3.40 version.

Furthermore I stated that this will have to be done (not necessarily
only, but for sure mainly) by me (German/English) and you (English
only), as I was the one who made the big resources and help file update
for v3.20 longer ago.

The bad "news" is that at the moment I have absolutely no time to do
this as I'm in a difficult migration process from NetWare 3.12 to
Windows SBS 2003 incl. Exchange here in the company.  This has absolute
priority and I can't say how long this situation will persist.

> I'm sorry if I've misunderstood and I'm equally sorry for my
> inability to post in German.

As you know, it is explicitely allowed to post in English here. :)

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