Kyle Huey wrote:
>    1. Dealing with the different ownership model on worker threads
>    (no cycle collector, all owning references go through JS).
>    2. Dealing with things that are not available off the main thread
>    (no necko, no gfx APIs, etc).

FWIW, I think the networking team has a goal of allowing nsHttpChannel to be 
used off of the main thread, for performance reasons. Not sure on the timeline 
for that though.

>    - *Does this mean cycle collected objects can be multithreaded?*
>    No-ish.
>    All cycle collected objects will belong to one and only one
>    thread, and can only be AddRefed/Released on that thread.

At what point during XPCOM shutdown are workers destroyed?

This seems like a great tool for implementing the worker part of the W3C 
WebCrypto API. But, we have to deal with the fact that during XPCOM shutdown, 
we have to ensure all the crypto objects are destroyed, and that has to happen 
on the main thread. (We're notified about shutdown on the main thread and we 
have to finish destroying all the objects before we return from the 
notification.) So, it seems like we may need some kind of "Destroy all the 
workers" API that deals with this, if we don't have it already.

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