On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 3:05 PM, Mike Hoye <mh...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On 2015-04-21 4:56 PM, jmath...@mozilla.com wrote:
>> I think we're being bit too sensitive here, I'm sure we can all handle a
>> little public shaming on stuff like this.
> We should not do this. There aren't a lot of things that will rot
> organizational morale and make people risk-averse faster and more
> permanently than publicly shaming people who make mistakes.

It's not about making mistakes - it's about being mis-calibrated with
respect to the rest of the development community. And it's not about
shaming - it's about making people (both the developer and others) aware of
these mismatches so that they can be corrected.

When try high score came out, we noticed that a huge amount of try
infrastructure was being used by b2g devs on |-p all -u all| try runs for
code that wasn't run on 95% of the jobs they were triggering. When we
inquired about it, it turns out that these devs were targeting devices that
weren't supported by try syntax, and were told to "just use full try runs
for now". Once the problem was in plain view, it got fixed much more
quickly than it probably would have otherwise.
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