On 6/14/17 9:02 AM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
Given that old-style addons are going away for 57, if it's possible to
delay addon-breaking IDL changes by one release until 57 that's probably
the easiest way to deal with this. We're already causing the addon
community a lot of churn.

I'd like to get some clarity on what's going on here, actually.

57 tip right now still allows old-style addons, right? But people have started landing interface changes that break those addons quite badly; see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1326520 for an example.

This is causing addon authors a bunch of pain as they struggle to keep their addons working on nightly (where they are theoretically still supported, per above) while also trying to port them to WebExtensions. I can't find a link to the bug comments complaining about this right now, but I recall it being connected to the nsIURI changes.

So what is the state of things at the moment? Should we just turn off old-style addons on nightly? If not, then we should probably stop breaking them until we _do_ turn them off.

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